For 9 days, to be exact, that I have joined this latest world craze called 'twitter'. Probably a bit late, if you would count twitter of Thaksinlive and PM_Abhisit who registered with twitter before me, of course. Well, at least I have seen how 'tweets' have been moving in the past 9 days. One big movement is cyber attack on twitter.
If you are one of the 'tweets', you would have noticed that it happened to be very very slow last Thursday and Friday. Just realised the hackers wanted to attack just one man, an economics professor from Republic of Georgia, according to the New York Times.
The hackers bombarded the professors web pages with spam messages to try to block him from reading events which led to territorial war between Russia and Georgia and this is to make him look like an irresponsible guy who sent million spam e-mails to others.
Logically, I am not quite sure how 'hackers' work this out and why but if this is the case, perhaps we can say that the real world is truly interconnected with the digital world indeed.
Wonder when this will ever happen again, I hope it won't be too soon. Be careful, twitter folks.
Good Job Ka ..I love it ... Poranee
It seems you are during crazy "twitter" also.. or not.. ??
There are several channels to follow you.
I have already dazed that I'll follow which one better.. !!!
P.S. Excuse me.. Khun Poranee
It's you .. right.. ??
I know what you did last night and today ..!! but you don't know .. who am I ..?? ..5555.. I'm kidding..
Ooo..Good night & have a good dream..ooO
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